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Thank you for supporting the mission of Resilient Hope. Resilient Hope is a 501(c)3 and all donations are tax deductible.

Mission & Vision

Resilient Hope’s mission is to aid mass violence survivors in their recovery process through the power of multimedia. 

Through the work of Resilient Hope, we will help mass violence survivors to share their experiences and serve as guides to help others through the tumultuous landscape of trauma.

We hope for a society where our conversations become rich with empathy, listening, and support for individuals and communities in need.

We envision Resilient Hope serving thousands of people who have struggled without a resource of this kind.  In this way, we will reduce negative outcomes for trauma survivors and increase resilience, hope, and well-being. 

Ultimately we seek to help create a world where survivors of mass violence can heal and enjoy health, happiness, and be treated with compassion and respect.